LSA Treasurer

The following is a description of the role of the LSA Treasurer in the society:

Title:                     Treasurer

Status:                 LSA Officer

Tenure:                Subject to annual re-election     

Honoraria           £300 per year

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The Treasurer keeps a watching brief over all aspects of LSA’s financial management and safeguards its financial health, ensuring that effective financial systems are being followed and are in line with best practice. The Treasurer provides Annual Accounts and interim financial statements when requested to do so and attends Council meetings and reports to the council on the current position.


Records and administration:

·        Keeps clear, concise records of all income and expenditure

·        Checks monthly bank statements against accounts book

·        Receives and banks all monies: annual subscriptions, exhibition fees, sponsorship, proceeds from sales, etc.

·        Pays invoices promptly for products and services, such as Mailchimp and Zoom

·        Reimburses officers for expenses incurred on behalf of the society and files receipts

·        Keeps a record of fees owed and paid by members and informs members, through the Membership Secretary, when fees are due or overdue

Exhibitions and Events:

·        Liaises with venues regarding sales of works/ticket sales

·        Processes and pays proceeds on sold works to the artists

·        Provides cheques for exhibition prize winners

·        Ensures exhibiting members have paid fees


Financial reporting:

·        Provides a summary financial statement for Council meetings

·        Prepares end of year Accounts for audit; liaises with Financial Examiner

·        Presents a financial Report at the Annual General Meeting

·        Advises on budgetary and financial implications of future LSA activities

Further Information - If you are interested in this role, or just need more information please contact the LSA Chair, David Clarke - lsachair2021@gmail.com